What does a field agent do at MPI? Field Visit Agent Services at M Private Investigations
A field agent at M Private Investigations is an agent who is responsible for gathering information and providing a report and other data in support of a case matter. The male and female agents typically work In any area of the UK, and Worldwide.
For example, the field agent attends an address when contact has been lost.
The re-engagement visit is often required by a law firm, business, or another person who needs to establish communication. while verifying occupancy at an address.
M Private Investigation Field agents will also collect and submit documents to the court, can obtain signatures on documents; also take professional witness statements.
Another service M Private Investigations field agents provide is taking photographs and video footage of a building, vehicle, or trading location.
Field Visit Agent M Private Investigations Services
Our field agents are also asked to provide neighbourhood check reports often required for persons considering moving to an area where unsociable behavior is a concern and evidence is required.
Our field agents at M Private Investigations have also researched film location areas and buildings.
When you require on-site knowledge contact us so we can assist you gather the information.
Professional Private Investigating Services 020 3930 3233
Email us: info@mprivateinvestigations.co.uk