UK National Private Investigator and Private Detective Service
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Background Checks
Checking backgrounds for personal or business reasons can enable people to make wiser, more informed decisions. They also help to guarantee safety, whether it be in government, business, education, or for personal reasons. Landlords may also wish to investigate potential tenants to determine if they have had any issues or have not paid rent in the past. Our background reports are provided by investigators in the U.K. and when required overseas by our trusted associates. This will give assurance and will also help to confirm or reject if someone is who or what they say they are in order to combat any fraudulent activity. We comply with all regulations such as the Data Protection Act (DPA) and will not undertake any Illegal request.
Background Investigation Service
Background Investigations can be instructed for any of the following reason: ID Verification prior to any Business or Personal Interaction including Marriage or Pre-Nuptial enquiry. Also Searches for Tenant or Landlord Screening and Pre-Employment Screening.
Periodic Undercover Investigations can be Implemented to Assess the Health of a Business in Real Time. We are often Instructed to Protect the Company’s Intellectual Property while Preventing Theft, Fraud and Stalking. Specialist and Suitably Qualified Investigators are Deployed.
The Information Provided is Verified by Different Sources to Give an Accurate Background Check, Wherever the Subject of the Investigation is a Resident.
At M Private Investigations we Understand the Importance That the Investigation is Highly Confidential So remain Discreet. When deciding that there are no Major Concerns the Task is Aborted and No Records are Held.
Background Investigation Reports
We provide details on the following:
Current address & Phone Numbers
Recent addresses & Links
Birthdate of a Subject
Aliases/maiden name
Property Ownership & Assets
Bankruptcies & CCJ's
Marriages & Divorces
Businesses; Current and Failed
Media and Press History Links
Employment History & Professions
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Worldwide Checks on Individuals and Companies.
Checks from the UK may involve our Agents based Overseas to Cross Check Data and Attend Covert Visits.
Where Activities are Large Scale, Wider Reaching and International our Investigators will Travel to the Site or you can choose to Utilise our Network of Professional Worldwide Associates Chosen for their Expertise.
Periodic Undercover Investigations can be Implemented to Assess the Health of a Business in Real Time Overseas and UK. We are often Instructed to Protect the Company’s Intellectual Property while Preventing Theft, Fraud and Stalking. Specialists and Suitably Qualified Investigators are Deployed.
The Information Provided is Verified by Different Sources to Give an Accurate Background Check, on Wherever the Subject of the Investigation is a Resident.
At M Private Investigations we Understand the Importance That the Investigation is Highly Confidential So remain Discreet. When deciding that there are no Major Concerns the Task is Aborted and No Records are Held.
Corporate and Commercial Investigation Reports
At times Organisations Large and Small are Vulnerable to Internal and External Threats so Require One or More of the following Service Reports to Counteract them:
Due Diligence Report
Director(s) Investigation Report
Competitor Profiling Report
Counter Industrial Espionage Report
Financial Investigation Reports
Fraud Investigation Reports
Employee Theft Reports
Employee Absenteeism & Misconduct Reports
GPS Tracking Reports
Intellectual Property Theft Report
Missing Documents, Discrepancies and Alterations Reports
Surveillance Investigation Reports
Pre-Litigation Investigation Reports
Unofficial Fees, Kickbacks and Commissions Reports
Unusual Transaction Reports
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